My ongoing blog series for HowlRound, entitled The Audience Position, explores how tools of interactive theatre can promote social awareness and audience repsonsibility. I hope it leads to further discussions about how interactive and immersive theater can spark conversations about strengthening our communities.
Read the first post here, introducing the series.
Post #2 talks about point of view and the audience contract.
Post #3 discusses how much agency to give an audience.
Post #4 explores the power of proximity and distance.
Post #5 examines what it means to watch other audience members.
Post #6 dissects Company One/ArtsEmerson's production of An Octoroon.
In Post #7 I share my experience trying to figure out how to get an audience to collaborate within a performance.
Here you can download pdf's of the plays I have written and devised.
NOTE: If you are interested in any of my plays for production, you must contact me and request a licensing agreement. No productions are allowed without written approval and paying appropriate royalties.
Northwestern students discuss perceptions of diversity through interactive piece
A profile on A Thousand Words: An Interactive Performance on Diversity.
"When In Disgrace" gives Walden students dose of realism
A write-up on the regional premiere of my play When In Disgrace.
The Baltimore Sun covered the very first play I ever directed: No Regrets a one-act play I wrote loosely based on the death of my mother.
In 2014, I joined the fight to allow a recent victim of bullying and suicide, Grace McComas, to be remembered at my former high school's graduation ceremony. This blog details everyone's efforts to change the school's mind.
I was interviewed for an American Theatre article on assistant directing.
Contact Damon: